From the Plantation to the Seige, from Georgian Ireland to the US Marines in Derry, Ashbrook has played a part in every important stage of Derry’s History.
March 17, 2013Read More

In the Roe Valley Country Park is Ulster’s oldest hydro-electric station. Erected in 1896 to generate electricity for commercial use and operated from here under the guidance of local genius J.E.Ritter
March 17, 2013Read More

The Magilligan Martello tower was built during the Napoleonic Wars and is one of the most northerly of the towers built all around the coasts of Ireland. It has walls over 9ft thick
March 16, 2013Read More

Bellaghy Bawn is a fortified house and bawn (the defensive wall surrounding an Irish tower house). This 17th Century Bawn is the best restored example to be found anywhere in Northern Ireland. The Original Bawn was virtually destroyed in the 1641 rebellion when the greater part of Bellaghy was burnt to the ground.
March 15, 2013Read More