MacNeice House – the current home of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland at 77 Malone Road – is an imposing double-fronted Victorian merchant’s villa dating from 1889. It is typical of the substantial properties built for the wealthy industrialists of Belfast.
September 2, 2013Read More

This imposing building is not so much a castle as an elegant mansion in the Elizabethan-Jacobean revival style. Although the castle is not accessible to the public you can still walk up the rolling lawn to admire this building from its beautiful grounds.
September 1, 2013Read More

An artillery fort built in 1650 by Colonel Arthur Hill – the Hill family built the village of Hillsborough starting with the fort. Remodelled in the 18th Century for feasts and entertainment.
June 12, 2013Read More

Sentry Hill was the home of the McKinney family, who came to Ireland from Scotland in the early 1700s. Remarkably the contents of the house have survived almost intact.
March 25, 2013Read More

Margaret Gallagher’s home has featured in television programmes and worldwide publications and she lives in the cottage in a traditional manner. She has a cottage with a rateable value of £10 a year. What she doesn’t have, and doesn’t want, are gas, electricity, an indoor toilet or running water.
March 22, 2013Read More

An Italianate palazzo mansion constructed by Charles Lanyon for Andrew Mulholland, great, great, great grandfather of the present owner. An opportunity to see how Victorian grandeur is matched with a contemporary twist.
March 22, 2013Read More

From the Plantation to the Seige, from Georgian Ireland to the US Marines in Derry, Ashbrook has played a part in every important stage of Derry’s History.
March 17, 2013Read More

An enchanting country residence set within a 250 acre demesne. Home of the Staples family for nearly 400 years and reputedly the longest habitation by any single family of a country house in West Ulster.
March 17, 2013Read More

Nestling in the heart of Armagh is the Ancestral Home of Dan Winter, one of the founders of the Orange Order. Accepted as the meeting place following the Battle of the Diamond, where the decision to form the Orange Order was made.
March 17, 2013Read More

Bellaghy Bawn is a fortified house and bawn (the defensive wall surrounding an Irish tower house). This 17th Century Bawn is the best restored example to be found anywhere in Northern Ireland. The Original Bawn was virtually destroyed in the 1641 rebellion when the greater part of Bellaghy was burnt to the ground.
March 15, 2013Read More