We have 1000’s of 360° photos and virtual tours of tourism businesses and destinations across Ireland.
What were the ones you liked the most? Here are the Top 20 most popular 360° photos looked at by you during 2017.
January 8, 2018Read More

What were our most viewed virtual tours for 2016? Over 2016 year we added 100’s more 360° photos and virtual tours of tourism businesses and destinations across Ireland. Many wonderful places were visited, but what were the ones you liked the most?
January 13, 2017Read More

What were our most viewed posts and 360° photos for 2015? Over 2015 year we added a further 1000 new 360° photos and virtual tours. So many great places were visited with our 360° cameras, but what were the ones you liked the most?
January 4, 2016Read More

What a year we had! 2014 was our most travelled yet. There were so many great places we visited with our 360° cameras, but what were the ones you liked the most? We take a look back at our most popular posts and 360° photos of 2014 visited by you.
January 8, 2015Read More

On the 3rd September the Northern Ireland Environment Agency hosted a one off screening of Ghostbusters ahead of European Heritage Open Days (EHOD) which takes place on the 13th & 14th September.
September 8, 2014Read More

European Heritage Open Days – one of my favourite times of the year. Photographing and documenting some of our often hidden built heritage.
August 13, 2014Read More
Tens of thousands of people are expected in Londonderry for a nine-day maritime festival to welcome home the Clipper Around the World Race.
June 24, 2014Read More

2014 will see us getting out and about with a new perspective…Aerial 360° Photography!
Meet the latest addition to our 360° photography arsenal.
February 17, 2014Read More

As we ease into 2014 we thought we’d take a look back at our most popular posts and 360° photos as visited by you.
January 2, 2014Read More

European Heritage Open Days – one of my favourite times of the year in my job. Photographing and documenting some of our often hidden built heritage.
September 12, 2013Read More