
Phasellus porttitor, elit vel eleifend congue, leo arcu pretium diam, in hendrerit urna risus a urna. Etiam vitae quam sed diam feugiat interdum. Sed id sem metus. Aenean ut bibendum magna. Suspendisse non nulla vitae sem placerat adipiscing. In ut nibh a mi ultrices tempus. Integer quis lobortis turpis. Vestibulum quis metus eu tellus venenatis tempus. Vivamus hendrerit aliquet leo, non ullamcorper sem hendrerit quis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

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Antrim Town

Antrim is the county town of County Antrim in Northern Ireland. Antrim is a small town not frequently visited by tourists, yet it is one of the more historic towns in Northern Ireland with many interesting sights and buildings of historic note.

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